Helpful Tips To Prevent Motion Sickness While Traveling

I have struggled with motion sickness all my life. Car sickness, seasickness, and sometimes air sickness. This is basically when any motion (from the car, boat, or turbulence on a plane) causes a disturbance of the inner ear. The result is symptoms like nausea, dizziness, sweating, and even vomiting. Over the years of traveling, I have had my fair share of motion sickness. In the blog, I hope to give you a few tips that have helped me prevent or manage my motion sickness.

Take Medicine

The first action I like to do before any trip on a plane, train, car, or boat is to take medicine. I typically take Dramamine. But there is also Bonine or Antivert. (I have not tried the last two, so I cannot say whether they are better or worse than Dramamine). Sometimes motion sickness can be part psychological. If I know I have taken preventive steps, I am less likely to develop the symptoms. 

Chew Gum

If you start to feel any symptoms I recommend ginger-flavored gum. This is too strong for me by itself, but mixing it with Juicy Fruit or a mint come can make it less strong. There are also ginger candies you can find at your local grocery store.

Also, keep air vents open. This will keep you from getting overheated and prevent any smells from making you nauseous. This brings me to my next point, do not sit by anyone who is also sick. This will trigger your symptoms to become worse. If you cannot avoid this, bring sound-canceling headphones, keep your eyes on one point or closed, and focused on your breathing. It may sound a little crazy but if you are focused on something else, you can trick your brain into thinking the symptoms are not there.

Drink ginger ale

The only drink I will have on a travel day is a ginger ale (besides water). The carbonation and ginger taste has a soothing effect on your stomach. It is also important to avoid those heavy foods (and stinky ones). Instead, pack light snacks such as crackers or pretzels. 

Bring Bags

Now, sometimes even if you have taken all the preventative steps, nausea and vomiting do happen. I back baby diaper bags for these unfortunate moments. They are small and some have a fresh scent to balance out the vomit smell. Always have a mint handy too. There is nothing worse than that aftertaste.

Extra Tips To Prevent Motion Sickness:

Here are a few tips to prevent motion sickness on different modes of transportation.

In a car – If you are traveling by car I recommend being the driver. If you don’t have that option, sit in the front seat. I also don’t recommend reading and also try to avoid looking at your phone. Keep your eyes forward and on one fixed point.

In a train – A train is similar to traveling in a car. On a Train, I recommend not sitting backward. Avoid reading or looking down. Try to gaze forward out the window.

In a plane – The air is drier on a plane, so it is important to stay hydrated. Drink ginger ale to soothe your stomach and drink plenty of water. I like to sit in the back of the plane, closer to the restrooms. However, you will feel less motion sitting by the wings of the plane. Also, pick an aisle seat in case you have to get up quickly.

In a boat – In a boat, the best seat is in the middle. You will feel less motion here (specifically on the lower deck). If you do start to feel queasy, keep your eyes fixed on the horizon.

Traveling isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Especially traveling with motion sickness. But these preventative steps will make traveling much easier. 

Thank you for reading!

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